Vade Retro, Veritas

People actually know, without the need for much convincing, that doctors and psychiatrists can’t actually diagnose anyone or anything they ve not actually examined.  Most people actually go in t see a doctor when something is wrong.  They would hardly be happy if the doctor just got to watch some videos someone gave hi  or her.

This does not go for political things though.  Astounding how many times someone has sent me a link to  a “Study” showing, say the compared IQ of all the Presidents with a shocking result of who the dumbest one was. The only shocking result is how closely the study result mirrors the views of the person sending me the link.

Demonizing or trivializing the opposing candidate is a large part of politics.  How often would George Bush the Younger switch from hopeless dunderhead to Machiavellian genius in the space of a week? Or take Hilary now. The FBI report on her e-mail came out recently.

If the report had recommended charging her with something, it would have been proof positive of her terrible guilt.  The recommendation not to charge?  ALSO proof positive of her terrible guilt.

Demonization is needed at a deep level because the preferred candidates are so disappointingly human.  The problems we face now seem so large as to be unsolvable.  There is a desire at some level to have your candidate ride into the scene like Aragorn in Lord of the Rings and put everything to rights.  Nevermind, that if in reality, Aragorn could somehow find a way to make heavy cavalry defeat heavy infantry (Which he couldn’t really), a couple of weeks later the Riders of Rohan would come around wanting to know who planned on paying for all the lost horses, and where was Gondor back when things were looking so bad up North?

In spite of the fact that Aragorn is fake, he’s who we want at some level.  As our candidate never actually seems to be up to that scratch, you have to make the other one that much worse. The comparison improves thereby.

But it also means that people end up believing an awful lot of bullshit. This bothers some of the populace and it’s led to at least one, in my opinion  dreadful idea: having independent doctors and psychiatrists examine the major candidates.

This would be horrible even if it could be made somehow to work.  People want the bullshit, NEED the bullshit.

Take rump, no liberal can imagine that someone could say the stuff he does unless he were crazy.  Bad Crazy, right now, with no real evidence, they can have a sociopathic megalomaniac who wants to turn the country into an Aryan Mordor.


How would they feel if the professionals let them know he’s just an older dude in pretty decent shape for all the activity who’s saying shit to get elected? It wouldn’t be big enough.  Nowhere near.

And Hilary?  It wasn’t that long ago, when she FAKED her dreadful illness and injuries as she was too terrified to testify before Congress about Benghazi, even though she already had.  Now? Those injuries and illness were so devastating to her that she should not be allowed  control of the remote to the CD player, much less the helm of our nation.  If medical professionals say she was sick and now she’s not, she’s just on older person in pretty good condition considering the strain who’s saying shit to get elected, what do you think conservatives would do about that?  It would be horrible for them!

It also gives Hilary her due at least partially.  The illness/jnjury thing is hers.  Benghazi, until Obama was re-elected in 2012, it was all his fault.  NOW it’s hers.  The murder thing from the crazy “Kilary” people?  Those murders were all Bill’s until just a few years ago. They got shuffled to her too.  Two of the main anti-Hilary conspiracy theories are just hand-me-downs!  If that’s not sexism, it’s certainly lazy and uncreative.   I doubt she will be able to get anything as inspired as the Birther thing Obama got.  That was almost once-in-a-generation crazy and stupid.  No, she might not get something that good, but she should get something.  ou may not vote for her to be the first female president, but as the first female candidate of a major party, she damned well deserves her own stupid conspiracy theory!


G and G Discuss the Issues

GOOFUS:    Nixon didn’t do anything they all did.  He just got caught.  So there!

GALLANT:  You’re not just repeating shit your Dad said, like that stuff about MLH day being the only holiday named for a man are you?

GOOFUS:  They all did it!  Except for Reagan. He didn’t do it. Everyone else though.

GALLANT:  Because really, you shouldn’t be repeating things you heard your Dad say, That guy makes Huckleberry Finn’s Pa look like Ward Cleaver. (Turns to break the fourth wall and address the audience)  I’ve got a bunch of those, and not much chance to use them here.  For example:  Man that show about KFed and Brittany makes Nick and Jessica look like they’re F. Scott and Zelda.

GOOFUS:  No one likes when you do that.  Nixon would never have done that.  And I meant to add that he never did anything they all did… he just got caught.  Got no answer to that, do ya, Smart Guy?

GALLANT:  OK, so you’re saying that Nixon actually was guilty of all the crimes of which he was accused, but you’re saying it’s all right by using the same defense as the mob that dragged Reginald Denny from his truck and beat him almost to death with rocks during the Rodney King rots used?

GOOFUS:  Why do you hate America so much?